Hi everybody. I’m just here to tell you a little bit about my volunteering experience which I did probably about 10 years ago now at the neighbourhood community house. It was a really valuable, worthwhile experience and basically I volunteered to be a bit of a teacher assistant with a program for disenfranchising youth who had left school and they were completing a general certificate of Education instead. So it was a group of about 12 kids around ages 15-16 and basically that gave me really good skills and experience you know in an educational setting. But also supporting kids with their mental health and wellbeing, as well. That experience led me on to actually filling in for that teacher when she went away which was really wonderful. Obviously employment experience like that was something that I was good. I didn’t quite know what direction I wanted to go in terms of my career then, but it turns out that that experience was very relevant to my future job as a school counsellor. That was actually really integral in me getting that job having that experience. So what I would say is that volunteering is always a fantastic idea because not only are you giving back to your community in the moment, but you never know where that experience is going to lead you in terms of your future opportunities and future career. I definitely strongly encourage you get involved with your community and give back to your community. That’s about it from my experience. Good luck everybody. Get involved with your community.