Friends of Koolunga Reserve

Friends of Koolunga Reserve

Friends of Koolunga Reserve has been Volunteer for Knox’s most popular service in the past 12 months with 70 people expressing interest in roles as Environment and Conservation Group Volunteer.

Friends of Koolunga reserve are a group of volunteers who help to restore the bushland and wildlife habitat at the native reserve, on Forest Road, in Ferntree Gully. They plant back local indigenous species (trees, shrubs, grasses, herbs, etc.), remove weed species and work closely with Knox City Council.

Koolunga Native Reserve is owned by Knox City Council and is based at the bottom of the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges. The diverse native flora and fauna reflects that of the ranges and also the surrounding lowlands.

Koolunga was obtained by Knox Council in 1967 as a native reserve. The area had previously been used as a daffodil farm, and by the locals as a rubbish dump along the creek. The six hectare (15 acre) area of the native reserve now consists of important remnant bushland and areas of mown grass where native orchids appear despite the previous intensive horticulture use.

In 1994, a Friends Group was established which has been active ever since.

The majority of volunteers expressing interest in the positions are aged in their 20’s and usually completing a university degree in environmental science or simply a local with an interest in the natural environment and wanting to learn more or connect with nature.

They have 12 regular members who contribute at least two hours a month and three additional members who often contribute another 4-20 hours a month each.

Co-ordinator Moyra Farrington said many of the volunteers attend for short term projects but many stay on when they see the positive impact they have and build a connection to other volunteers.

When the volunteers are referred from Volunteer for Knox they are asked to contact Moyra who welcomes them into the group and gives information about their activities and educates them about the local plants, birds, animals and specific projects.

“We plant, weed, take surveys of birds and wildlife, run community events and engage closely with the local community via Facebook,” Moyra said.

“One of the biggest issues we face is getting volunteers to attend on a regular basis.

“Some are only available at times when we don’t have a working bee scheduled.

“We have been operating for 30 years and have always tried to attract new volunteers and when Volunteer for Knox offered us assistance we gladly took it.

“Volunteer for Knox has provided extra assistance and introduced many new and interesting people to our group.

“Volunteers enable us to accomplish much more work in planting and weeding and generally maintaining our reserve. Most adapt quite quickly and enjoy being part of the community group. The tasks aren’t complicated or too demanding.

“We love to welcome new volunteers and make the experience interesting, friendly and rewarding in learning new skills and try to give them the feeling that their efforts are very much appreciated.”